Basic Information

1. Please check the schedule to know when you are scheduled to serve.

2. If you can't serve when you are scheduled you are expected to get someone to serve in your place.

3. Be combed, wear nicer clothes and shoes (leave the flip flops at home please).

4. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early.

5. Put on alb and cincture (rope). The alb should not drag on the floor or be too high above ankles. Make sure hood is hanging properly.

6. While serving, do everything with reverence...don't run or skip...walk gracefully.

7. Before Mass, genuflect towards the tabernacle when you enter the sanctuary area.

8. Five or 10 minutes before mass, light the candles.

9. When everything is ready, go with Father to the back of the church.

10. During Mass, be attentive. Try not to do anything that would distract the parishioners from praying.

11. Always be looking at Father in case he needs to signal for you to do something.

12. You should always answer the prayers and sing the songs with the congregation. There should be a songbook in the Sacristy for you to carry into church to sing the opening song.

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